School Uniform
Our school uniform is available to purchase from School Uniform Direct either in person at their store located in Staines or online. Current price lists can be found on their website.
Our school uniform is intended to give children a pride in their own personal experience and to develop a sense of belonging to Littleton C of E Nursery & Infant School. We expect for children to adhere to it at all times and for parents to support this. School uniform is worn at all times in school and on educational visits unless a specific notice is given to parents relating to special outings or a planned MUFTI day. All articles of clothing are to be clearly marked with the child’s name.
The HSA regularly hold second hand uniform sales during the year. Parents are notified via the newsletter when these will be. Donations of good second hand uniform are welcome and can be left in the school office.
The children in the Nursery will be required to wear the nursery yellow polo shirt and the school’s nursery sweatshirt and/or the school brown cardigan with the school emblem. These items need to be purchased from School Uniform Direct.
If you are struggling to purchase any uniform item, please do get in touch with us and we will be very happy to assist you.
Please ensure that all uniform is marked with your child’s name.
Children in the nursery will be able to wear their own footwear, tracksuit bottoms, leggings etc. and their own weather appropriate coats.
Our school uniform is compulsory for all pupils in Reception - year 2 and includes the following:
- Black Trousers (girls and boys)
- Brown pinafore dress or skirt
- Black/brown or white socks
- Brown tights
- Brown sweatshirt or cardigan which must have school emblem (compulsory from uniform supplier)
- Yellow polo shirt (plain or school emblem)
- Brown or black shoes (no trainers)
- In the Summer (between Easter and October half term only) a white and yellow checked dress may be worn
- Brown book bag with school emblem
- Water bottle (children are to bring a bottle of fresh water every day to accompany them in the classroom
- Drawstring PE bag with emblem
- Yellow sunhat with school emblem
Children wear their PE kit to school on the day they have PE. They can wear sensible trainers with their PE uniform (see below)
- White t-shirt (plain or school emblem)
- Black shorts
- Trainers or black plimsolls
- Plain Trainers (optional for outdoor PE)
- Black hoodie sweatshirt with school emblem (compulsory from uniform supplier)
- Plain black tracksuits are optional for outside winter PE/Games lessons. No large logos/pictures please
- School socks – white, grey or black
Forest School
For all sessions, we recommend:
An all in one waterproof / waterproof jacket and trousers - Wellies / walking boots / sturdy shoes - Long trousers - Long sleeve top Layer - all sessions are held outdoors so we always suggest bringing extra layers - Warm Jumper - Thick socks - A bag to put muddy kit in!
Then, depending on the weather:
Summer - sunhat, sun cream, bug spray
Winter - hat, gloves, scarf/neck warmer, thick socks, extra layers, extra socks / gloves
Surrey Local Authority recommends that children should not wear jewellery to school as it may cause injury to them or other children.
At Littleton your child may wear small stud earrings to school, but these must be removed before school on PE days. Class teachers will advise parents of PE days at the beginning of term.
Parents are advised that if your child is having their ears pierced then it should be done at the beginning of the summer holidays. This will minimise any disruption of their learning in Physical Education.