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Littleton Church of England Nursery and Infant School

School Meals


Every day freshly prepared hot meals are cooked in our school kitchen by the staff of Twelve15.


Our menu can be found below:  

Twelve15 Spring/Summer 2024 Menu

From September 2014 the Government made it possible for children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 to have a FREE school meal and we hope that parents take up this offer. 

Special Dietary Requirements

If your child has a special dietary requirement such as a dairy or nut allergy, please complete and return the form below to the school office.  This information will be shared with Twelve Fifteen who are the school caterers and will cater for your child's requirements.

Special Diets Request Form - Twelve15


What if my child would prefer a packed lunch?

As an alternative, children may bring a packed lunch from home, however to support our children with various nut allergies, we are a nut-free school and we also ask that you support us in helping your child to make healthy choices and keep sweets, chocolates, crisps etc down to a minimum.  In this context we also ask that the children only bring low-sugar squash, juice, milk or water in their lunchboxes. 


Click here to go to 'Nutritionist Resource', a website that provides nutritional information, including diets for children, lunch box ideas, fussy eaters and healthy eating for children.