Request Leave of Absence
Leave of absence for other than medical reasons can only be granted in accordance with Government regulations and the School's Pupil Absence Policy, which is shown below the form. You can read the full Policy here.
By law, all absences must be recorded as either ‘authorised’ or ‘unauthorised’. The school must then indicate on individual pupils’ reports and on the School website, the number of absences during the academic year. Although occasional medical absence is unavoidable and often necessary, for example in cases of sickness/diarrhoea, irregular attendance undermines a child’s education and puts children at a disadvantage. It can place children at risk and can lead to pupils being drawn into patterns of anti-social behaviour. We would expect children at Littleton to want to attend school and are confident that this is almost always the case, with average attendance being over 95%.
UNAUTHORISED ABSENCE The Headteacher may issue a penalty notice to the parents of the child (in line with the Education (Penalty Notices) Regulations (England) 2007 and their subsequent amendment regulations) if a parent decides to take a child out of school during term time and this absence has not been authorised as an exceptional circumstance by the Headteacher.
These regulations allow the Headteacher to issue a penalty notice to each parent of a child who is absent from school for 5 consecutive days without authority. The penalty is £80 per 5-day period per parent for each child absent if the fine is paid within 21 days. This fine will rise to £160 per day if the fine is paid within 28 days. Prosecution by the Local Authority will follow if the fine continues to be outstanding.
Procedures to follow when your child needs to be absent for school are as follows:
If you wish to apply for leave of absence for your child, please complete the form below to submit a request. You will receive email confirmation as to whether leave has been authorised or not.
Request Leave of Absence Form
Do not use this form below for sickness
Please complete all fields marked (*)