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Littleton Church of England Nursery and Infant School


PSHE at Littleton

At Littleton, we deliver our PSHE lessons following the Jigsaw scheme. Our intent for the learning of PSHE is to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our children within the society they live and beyond. We will prepare our children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences they already face and for future life. Our intention is to provide children of Littleton with the skills and knowledge to live a healthy and safe life and for all children at Littleton leave being kind, caring and respectful. We will encourage our children to understand how all actions have consequences and how they can make informed choices to help themselves, others and the environment (Linked to our core values).

At Littleton, all staff adhere to the agreed Teaching and Learning Policy and lessons that are inclusive to all. The lessons focus on listening and understanding and provide many opportunities for children to express their own views, reflect and to ask challenging questions. Lessons can include discussions and debates that may be sensitive and controversial but there is a safe forum for children to disagree, while respecting the differing views of others

 Our PSHE curriculum:                                                                      

  • Drives the ethos and values of the school.
  • Is based around and encompasses our 3 Littleton core values:
  1. We care for ourselves,
  2. We care for each other
  3. We care for our world

Through the love of God.

  • Based around the Social, Emotional Aspects of Learning (Jigsaw learning)
  • Promotes the ‘British Values’ and children moral, social, emotional and cultural development, as well as adding to their understanding of diversity (for example in Year 2 when learning about Mary Seacole as a significant individual).
  • Is a combination of both implicit teaching (through modelling of expected behaviours) and explicit PSHE teaching (through circle times, worship and stories).
  • Is planned to ensure the new SRE curriculum is being covered eg. NSPCCs PANTs initiative.
  • Creates a community that values each other that shows respect, listens and welcomes.
  • Is planned for children to build up knowledge and skills throughout the Early Years to the end of KS1 and going into KS2. To equip the children with the skills to be respectful, responsible, kind and resilient individuals.

Please click here to view our PSHE Policy