At Littleton we value music as an important part of the children’s entitlement to a broad, balanced and rich curriculum.
Music provides children with opportunities to be creative, explore new and familiar skills and develop confidence through performance.
When a Littleton Musician leaves Year 2 they will have:
· developed a sense of beat and rhythm and the ability to respond to it through singing, movement and music.
· Developed an awareness of pitch, tempo, texture and dynamics through singing and the use of tuned and untuned instruments.
· Obtained and an awareness of a variety of instruments and the different sounds they make (timbre) through exploration and experimentation.
· Had opportunities to improvise and create atmospheric sounds to drama and stories to provide extra dimension. Thus experience musical activities in a variety of contexts and to appreciate that music can enhance and develop their learning across the curriculum.
· Used simple notation to communicate musical sounds to others.
· Been exposed to a variety of musical styles and genres
Please click here to view our Music Policy.