School Priorities
Littleton CE Nursery and Infant School Headline Priorities for 2022/2023 based on School Improvement Plan 1 YEAR PRIORITY PLAN “Let all that you do be done in love” Corinthians 14 |
1. Embed a consistent whole school approach (based on evidenced research and pedagogy) to the teaching of early reading skills (fluency and comprehension), phonics from EYFS using Little Wandle Letters and Sounds. Ensure that all staff prioritise reading as a ‘gateway skill’ and that a love of reading is fully embedded across the school. |
Why are we doing this? At Littleton, we believe that reading is a ‘gateway’ skill and a form of Cultural Capital. Children need to learn to read and develop a love of reading so that they can read to learn. |
2. Embed a consistent whole school approach (based on evidenced research and pedagogy) to the teaching of maths with a focus on number, fluency, reasoning and problem solving from EYFS through to year 2. (EIF 2018) so that outcomes for all pupils (including SEND/PP) are good. Ensure that mathematical fluency and confidence is a ‘gateway’ skill that underpins other subject domains (e.g. science, geography).
Why are we doing this? Our school needs to ensure that there is consistency of approach to teaching maths at Littleton so that all year groups are making strong progress to improve outcomes for all pupils in KS1. |
3. Ensure that internal assessment across the school in maths, reading and foundation subjects has clear milestones, and is moderated to ensure accuracy. Assessment data is analysed by class teachers and is being used to refine planning, teaching and learning. Ensure that precision teaching is adapted to address the identified gaps.
Why are we doing this? Effective and accurate assessment that is used to identify gaps in pupils learning leads to strong progress and outcomes for all pupils. |
4. Ensure that each subject has key knowledge milestones and subject specific vocabulary defined in each year group so that new knowledge and skills build incrementally on what has been taught previously. Spaced retrieval is specifically planned for, to support transference of knowledge and skills to long-term memory Focus on questioning techniques leads to more accurate knowledge of the children to inform assessment
Why are we doing this? Subject specific vocabulary is a core element of pupils knowing more and remembering more of the curriculum. It enables children to make links in their learning and supports vertically integrated progress in a subject towards a composite end. |
5. Continue to develop and empower the Littleton Curriculum Champion team so that the curriculum subjects and half-termly questions have clear intent, implementation and impact building incrementally upon clear composite and component elements. Build upon subject specific skills from nursery to year 2 and teach these explicitly Ensure that all children know more and remember more of the curriculum over time and are able to make links and connection in their learning. |
Why are we doing this? The quality of the curriculum is a measure of a school’s effectiveness. Curriculum Champions are challenged to lead their subject with passion and commitment enable children to make strong progress and achieve well. |
6. The newly formed LDBS partnership and the Littleton Leadership team have a clear and ambitious vision for providing high quality, inclusive education and ongoing professional development for all. |
Why are we doing this? School culture and leadership research shows that a clearly communicated vision in a high support and high challenge culture (with focused CPD) enables pupils and staff to flourish and achieve. |