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Littleton Church of England Nursery and Infant School

SEND At Littleton

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


Special Education Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At Littleton, we believe in the God given uniqueness of individuals and value them within a loving Christian community. We take great pride in our inclusive, nurturing environment and aim to provide every child in our school with the opportunity to grow and develop academically, physically, intellectually and emotionally according to their own individual needs.

Our school SENDCo is Sarah Melville and she can be contacted via senco@littleton.surrey.sch.uk


Please click on the below links for further information: 

SEND Information report

SEND PowerPoint.pptx

SEND Policy.pdf

Wave Provision Document.pdf


For further information about Surrey’s Local Offer and information about services relating to special educational needs, disabilities, education and more in the local authority, please visit the following link.

Surrey Local Offer